Healing Happens: When You Live - Part 1

healing happens Feb 09, 2017

This is an excerpt from an interview for the book Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All Odds. 

Avital:         We have on the line Dr. Bernie Siegel. He has transitioned from being a pediatric
surgeon to running support groups, and considers himself in a way now a life coach. He has written about 14 books, and of them most noted for his very first book Love, Medicine and Miracles.

                   He developed a therapy program called exceptional cancer patients and that’s
where he utilizes their drawings, dreams, images, and feelings to create a system of care-frontation. He is also known as one of the top 20 spiritually influential people living on the planet by Watkins Review.

Avital:         What do you think someone can say to a loved one who has cancer and is not
looking beyond the traditional...

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Cleanses for Everyone

The problem today is 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Cleanses are a great way to reduce the stress on your mind, body, and spirit. The great yoga guru Paramhansa Yogananda said cleansing is “a method for rejuvenating the body cells and awakening the latent powers of the mind and inner forces of the soul.”

As I am getting ready to lead a cleanse this weekend, many people want to choose to participate if the diet interests them. I would like to encourage people that there is much more to cleansing than diet.

Intention is Key

I think many of us have heard of the power of intention and how that sets the stage to clearly direct the performance of our lives. I often have an interesting phenomena with cleanses. Typically the body does not fully detox until day 4 or 5 on a cleanse. Once I started setting intentions, I could feel the symptoms of detoxing before the cleanse even began! Sometimes we forget how...

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Healing Happens: When You Have a Reason to Live - Part 2

This is an interview for the Healing Happens Interview Series. David John St. Clair is an amazing Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Trainer. Click here to read Part 1 of this blog post.

Avital:          What if somebody who is reading this or hearing this just thinks, “Well this
gentleman must have been extra-gifted. There’s no way that I would be able to make that happen for me.” What do you have to say to that person?

David:         I would thank this person directly for revealing the best tool to start with which is to
shift this belief. Because it’s nothing more than a belief. Everybody is human and this makes us have something in common. We all have a body. We all have a brain. We all have a mind and we all can think. We also can shift our way of thinking.

For example, there is a speech healing technique when you imagine a movie and let the movie run in light speed. You make the...

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"If I die, I'll leave a beautiful world."

This is an interview for the book Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All Odds. 

Avital:         We have on the line Dr. Bernie Siegel. He has transitioned from being a pediatric surgeon to running support groups, and considers himself in a way now a life coach. He has written about 14 books, and of them most noted for his very first book Love, Medicine and Miracles.

                   He developed a therapy program called exceptional cancer patients and that’s
where he utilizes their drawings, dreams, images, and feelings to create a system of care-frontation. He is also known as one of the top 20 spiritually influential people living on the planet by Watkins Review.

Avital:         Bernie, would you walk us through one of the stories of somebody whom you
helped heal beyond what we normally see in the...

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Nine Days to a New You

What if within one day you could feel a greater sense of joy, release all pains in your body, feel the energy of a child, have a calm clear mind to accomplish any task, and open a direct connection with the Divine? And then after nine days you would notice a significant weight loss and bad habits being broken so you can maintain the weight loss and continue to lose weight if needed? The solution is the Nine-Day Diet, a cleanse created by the great yoga guru Paramhansa Yogananda.

For those of you who have never done a cleanse before, do not worry because you can eat as much as you want. The point is to eat high nutrient foods that are easy to digest and promote digestion.

Imagine the roads in New York City. Because the city never sleeps, there are always cars and the roads move slowly. With the influx of people moving at once to Portland, rush hour has bottle necked and is very slow. Yet people sleep in Portland allowing the roads to empty and the first cars in the morning to...

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Healing Happens: When You Have a Reason to Live - Part 1

This is an interview for the Healing Happens Interview Series. David John St. Clair is an amazing Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Trainer.

David:         It started in 1988 or ‘89 when I met a Japanese researcher, Dr. Hiroshi Oda.
He approached me at Marburg University and talked with me about spontaneous remission, and about the power of the mind and the soul combined when people have the diagnosis of terminal illness and cancer.

He shared that he started to interview 36 people in Japan and Asia who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. One guy had cancer in the lungs, in the bones, and in the liver. They told him, “You just have three months to live.” They did x-rays and Hiroshi told me, “There was no therapy at all for him. They just said, ‘If you have money, take all the money you have, and go on vacation. See different countries and spend it for yourself because the maximum we can give you...

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Four Steps to Cultivate Inner and Outer Beauty


For the past few years I have had a fun game of looking at my face in the mirror to check my inner health after I wake up in the morning or after an event I really love doing. Once I discovered that the coloring of my skin, amount of acne, size of my bags, or how much it glows drastically changes depending on my activities, I developed a science experiment to check the inner condition of my body by looking at the outer condition. Here are four of the most effective tips for taking care of inner beauty that brought about the most beautiful complexion.

1. How You Sleep

People often say one should have an average of 8 hours a night. I find it is not only important to get the right amount of sleep, but how you sleep and when you sleep.

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science, after 9-10pm we start moving into the fire and then air time of night when we feel more energetic, thus making it harder to fall asleep. From about 9 or 10pm to 1 or 2am our liver goes...

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"Nothing Happened." Healed to Forget the Pain

This is an interview for the book Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All Odds. 

Avital: Hello, thank you so much for being here. We have Gail Lynn with us. She runs a center called Energy Genesis Life Center. It's in Colorado but she has people flying in from all over the world, specifically 48 states and 9 countries, to take advantage of this technology called Energy Genesis. It helps relieve emotional, physical and environmental trauma through vibration, sound and light.

Welcome Gail. I have been hearing that this machine is having huge effects on people and that’s why they're traveling from all over the world, and sometimes it’s helping people who were told there was nothing to do for their situation. Would you tell us one of those stories please?

Gail:    Absolutely. I have so much fun here. It’s kind of comical too because I’m constantly finding out people have different experiences. I had an 80-year-old lady coming here on a...

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The Big Picture Principle: A Three Step System to Simplify the Rules of a Healthy Diet

You have probably been bombarded with all sorts of advice and ideas on all the latest diet fads. Instead what you may be craving is a simple shift in mindset and an approach that will allow you to make better choices without sapping your willpower and beating yourself up. If you understand some basic principles that are easy to remember, you will feel more empowered to take control of your health and to create more vitality in your life.

As a child I started reading nutrition books. I became particular enough about food that my mother was concerned I was anorexic even though I had a big appetite. I actually only went through one phase where I was counting calories and the amount of nutrients I was getting. Most of the time I wanted to enjoy life and not be too particular.

When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, hypoglycemia, and food allergies I had even more to learn about food and unique diets for those conditions. After I did all of my...

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Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Coach Ruben shares why we are caught in either a state of surviving or thriving; an excerpt from his interview for my book Healing Happens:

(Subscribe to my youtube channel to be notified when the video is released with Coach Ruben’s five methods of thriving.)

What Coach Ruben, author of Evolving Health, is sharing in this video is that we either have the sympathetic nervous system triggered or the parasympathetic nervous system operating. The sympathetic nervous system initiates the flight, fight, or freeze reaction, or as Coach Ruben puts it, being in “survival” mode. On a mental/emotional layer, I relate that to being in a phase of processing. In the parasympathetic nervous system, we are operating in a peace and relaxation response, or a state of “thriving.” On a mental/emotional layer, I call that being in a phase of creating.

This is so important to look at because in flight, fight, or freeze mode our blood is rushing to our body so we can perform...

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